Gedung Sate currently serves as the Office of the Governor of West Java Province is located on Jl. Diponegoro No.22 Bandung. East wing of Gedung Sate is now occupied by the Head Office of Post and Giro in the past called PTT. While the additional buildings on the West wing, is the Parliament Building West Java Province.
Gedung Sate in the Age of Dutch Colonial buildings known as Gouvernements Bedrijven abbreviated as "GB" or the Central Government Institutions. Initial construction begins with laying the first stone on July 27, 1920, by Miss Johanna Catherina Coops eldest daughter of the mayor of Bandung B. Coops who accompanied Miss Petronella Roeslofsen representing the Governor-General in Batavia. In the early 1924 House Hoofdbureau PTT finished work, followed by complete construction of the Parent Gedung Sate and Techniques of the most comprehensive library on Southeast Asia, in September 1942.
Gedung Sate was designed by Dutch architect Ir. J. Gerber of the Bureau of State Buildings (landsgebouwendients), assisted by a team consisting of: Kol. Genie (Ret.) V.L. Slor of Genie Militair, Ir. E.H. De Roo and Ir. G. Hendriks representing Burgerlijke openbare Werken (BOW) or DPU now and Gemeentelijk Bouwbedriff Company (Municipal buildings) Bandung. Gedung Sate inspired architectural style of buildings in Renaissance Italy. And, as is generally the official buildings founded by BOW, in addition to revealing the impression of graceful, beautiful, stately, and monumental buildings penantaan generally symmetrical. In addition, the use of the rhythmic elements of the arch, over and over again (repetition) thus creating a "rhythmic architecture" a fun, beautiful and unique.
On the front facade wall Gedung Sate have characterized traditional ornaments, such as the building of Hindu temples. While in the middle of the main building Gedung Sate, upright standing tower with a roof layers or so-called "overlap" as Meru in Bali or the roof of the Pagoda. The top was a towering prick like satay, hence the popular people to name the building "Gedung Sate".
Gedung Sate in the Age of Dutch Colonial buildings known as Gouvernements Bedrijven abbreviated as "GB" or the Central Government Institutions. Initial construction begins with laying the first stone on July 27, 1920, by Miss Johanna Catherina Coops eldest daughter of the mayor of Bandung B. Coops who accompanied Miss Petronella Roeslofsen representing the Governor-General in Batavia. In the early 1924 House Hoofdbureau PTT finished work, followed by complete construction of the Parent Gedung Sate and Techniques of the most comprehensive library on Southeast Asia, in September 1942.
Gedung Sate was designed by Dutch architect Ir. J. Gerber of the Bureau of State Buildings (landsgebouwendients), assisted by a team consisting of: Kol. Genie (Ret.) V.L. Slor of Genie Militair, Ir. E.H. De Roo and Ir. G. Hendriks representing Burgerlijke openbare Werken (BOW) or DPU now and Gemeentelijk Bouwbedriff Company (Municipal buildings) Bandung. Gedung Sate inspired architectural style of buildings in Renaissance Italy. And, as is generally the official buildings founded by BOW, in addition to revealing the impression of graceful, beautiful, stately, and monumental buildings penantaan generally symmetrical. In addition, the use of the rhythmic elements of the arch, over and over again (repetition) thus creating a "rhythmic architecture" a fun, beautiful and unique.
On the front facade wall Gedung Sate have characterized traditional ornaments, such as the building of Hindu temples. While in the middle of the main building Gedung Sate, upright standing tower with a roof layers or so-called "overlap" as Meru in Bali or the roof of the Pagoda. The top was a towering prick like satay, hence the popular people to name the building "Gedung Sate".
The building is unique in shape, because it is a fusion of Western architectural style. The combination of Eastern and Western styles it is an experiment of finding a form of identity with the finesse of Traditional Indonesian Architecture West construction. This can be seen on buildings or building Gedung Sate ITB main campus, which is often referred to as Indo
Europeeschen Architectuur Stijl Indonesian or European Style Architecture.
Architects from the Netherlands Maestro Dr. Hendrik Petrus Berlage in his visit to the city of Bandung in April 1923, had stated that the building of Gedung Sate complex design along with the Central Office of Civil Government Agencies Dutch East Indies in Bandung, it is a masterpiece. Gedung Sate is essentially just a small part or About a 5% of the "Complex of the Central Office of Civil Government Insatansi" Dutch East Indies that occupies the North Bandung area of 27,000 square meters provided by the Gemeente Van Bandoeng through Raadbesluit passed on December 18, 1929.
Architects from the Netherlands Maestro Dr. Hendrik Petrus Berlage in his visit to the city of Bandung in April 1923, had stated that the building of Gedung Sate complex design along with the Central Office of Civil Government Agencies Dutch East Indies in Bandung, it is a masterpiece. Gedung Sate is essentially just a small part or About a 5% of the "Complex of the Central Office of Civil Government Insatansi" Dutch East Indies that occupies the North Bandung area of 27,000 square meters provided by the Gemeente Van Bandoeng through Raadbesluit passed on December 18, 1929.
Gedung Sate closely related to the plan of the Dutch Colonial Government in the Age of the Governor-General JP Van Limburg Stirum who ruled between the years 1916-1921 to implement the proposal HF Tillema in the year 1916, an environmental health expert from Hyderabad, capital of the archipelago for the Dutch East Indies in this case was moved from Batavia, or Jakarta to Bandung now.
A number of agencies or departments of government, was moved from Batavia, which will establish perkantorannya buildings in the vicinity of Gedung Sate. Among Verkeeren en Waterstaat Department (Ministry of Traffic and Water) or DPU now, Hoofdbureau PTT (PTT Head Office), Department van Onderwijs en Eeredients (Department of Education and Teaching), Departement van Financien (Department of Finance), Department Binnenlandsch van Bestuur (Department In State), Department van Economische Zaken (Ministry of Economy), Hoge Raad (Supreme Court), Volksraan (People's Council), Centraall Regeering (Central government), Algemeene Secretarie (Secretariat General), Paleis van Gouverneur General (Palace of the Governor-General), Hall of State, the Central Geological Laboratory.
Due to the economic recession (malaise) in the 1930's, eventually moving the state capital plan and building-building of the central government of Batavia to Bandung was not continued. While the buildings that had been completed including Verkeer en Waterstaat Department Building (Gedung Sate), Hoofdbureau PTT (Post Office and the Giro), Laboratory and Museum of Geology, as well as building Pensioen Fonds (pension plan) that is now the House Dwi Color.
In the independence war Gedung Sate has historical value. On December 3, 1945, seven young warriors who defend the building fell against Ghurka troops who came to attack. Now a memorial for the fallen heroes who, standing erect in front of the House sate. Since 1977, a large building with a contextual matching, erect adjust the form of architectural style banguanan Gedung Sate, the design architect Ir. Sudibyo, which now serves the local parliament building in West Java.
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