Kamis, 04 November 2010

Waterfall Cimahi

                                  waterfall cimahi
Ecotourism consists of 6 ha of natural forests, water sources exist in the form of a river. Potential visual landscape to the location is quite interesting with views of nature in the form:
mountain area, rice field, while natural phenomena / visual potential landscape in the region that have distinctive characteristics are waterfalls, forests and highland climate.

Tourism potential
Ecotourism is used for daily tours. Daily tourism activities that can be done is to picnics, cross country, take a bath in the vicinity of waterfalls.
The name was taken from a waterfall Cimahi times Cimahi which was situated not far from the waterfall, except that water was flowing into the waterfall Cimahi Cimahi city and used by local residents for their everyday needs. This water is clear so that both drinking water used for cooking. That's why the waterfall is named "Waterfall Cimahi". At this location, we can not only enjoy the natural beauty around him. If we sit or stand at the edge of the pond waterfall, we can feel the cold splash of water on our faces.

Type of existing facilities are parking lots, gates, security fencing, location map, paths, picnic sites, shelters, benches, garbage cans, information center and guard post.

Ecotourism can be achieved from fanning (8 km), Cimahi (8 km) and from Regency Bandung (20 km), Subang (60 km) and Jakarta (170 km). The road condition is generally good (paved), can be passed by four-wheel vehicles.
for the price of admission fee is Rp. 3000

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