Senin, 29 November 2010

garden tomb of heroes - cikutra Bandung

Hero Cemetery or often abbreviated as TMP is the location of the cemetery reserved for those who have contributed to the unitary Republic of Indonesia, including the national hero, military, and senior state officials.Hero Cemetery is located on the street or road cikutra sacred bandung.These are some sample images of tombs cikutra:
a school student who was on a pilgrimage

This is the atmosphere in the garden tomb of heroes

4 komentar:

Internet tips and share info mengatakan...


Anonim mengatakan...

I never thought its in my city, I will take a look someday

Ganjar mengatakan...

@internet tips and share info:
betul gan,tapi da saya jg g pernah masuk cuma diluarnya aja...hhe

Ganjar mengatakan...

@alphadeangelo:yes bro try it,the location of the sacred road continues straight...

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